Medio ambiente
December 19, 2019 in News

“Cepex participates in the 4th TECHNICAL CYCLE: ENERGY IN THE INDUSTRY ACTIVITY 3: Granollers enters Symbiosis. Evaluating the material resources”


The company Cepex, S.A.U participated last September 26 in the day “Granollers enter into symbiosis. Evaluating the material resources”. Organized by the Granollers Market polygon service with the collaboration of the ICAEN and the Energy Efficient Cluster of Catalonia where apart from assessing the different projects that have been promoted from Granollers Market, different presentations were presented that aim to inspire companies in Future trends in the framework of the CIRCULAR ECONOMY:

– The importance of the water footprint of companies and the benefits of performing this calculation.

– The carbon footprint of products and services and the importance in decarbonising the economy,

– Industrial energy communities as organizations facilitating energy transition and reducing energy costs in companies.

– Trends in industrial waste management in the coming years.


In the framework of the day, the Environmental Director Rosa Mª Rafecas – Cepex, SAU presented the Environmental Management carried out by the company based on the ISO 14001 standard, the Environmental policy, its environmental aspects as well as the experience in valuing the different surpluses of process materials (waste) as a success story of local companies that have incorporated the circular economy into their daily lives.